Let Your Skin Feel The Difference

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Our HONEYBEE NATURALS line of products takes full advantage of trusting bees to create beneficial, pure and healing products!

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Monday, November 11, 2013

November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month. "Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States", states alz.org, Alzheimer's Association. "More than 5 million are living with the disease." 
As mentioned in a previous blog regarding the calming aid of lemon drop royal jelly, our dear 80 yr old mother has been diagnosed with this awful disease, and has had Alzheimer's disease for many years now.  It is so difficult to see your loved one, and oh how much we do love our momma, go through the declining stages of Alzheimer's, to watch them drift further away right before your eyes. "As Alzheimer's advances through the brain it leads to increasingly severe symptoms, including disorientation, mood and behavior changes; deepening confusion about events, time and place; unfounded suspicions about family, friends and professional caregivers; more serious memory loss and behavior changes; and difficulty speaking, swallowing and walking." Through our own observation, mom is at stage 6 in the 7 stages of Alzheimer's laid out on alz.org.  We have learned, through this experience and with the help of our local Alzheimer's Association support, the mom and daughter relationship we once knew and understood has now changed. She is still our mom, but we miss our mommy. My siblings and I smile when we get glimpses of  our mommy when she sings the words to a familiar song, as she dances to the music, when she 'remembers' to say her endearing expressions we grew up hearing from her, "say your prayers before bed" or "this too shall pass". Our mom is at the stage where some words come out random, where she doesn't have a 'filter',thus will say and do things she would have never before. She gets very confused when out of the comfort of her daily surroundings, her routine. Yet she wants to go, "let's go get your shoes on". We take her for outings, lunch, ice cream, a day with the grand and great grand kids, while she struggling with the sense of being lost, until home again. Once home, her repetition begins "Let's go, get your shoes, I'm hungry". We are learning to recognize the cues to how she is feeling, again our local support from Alzheimer's Assoc explains that this is how our loved ones will communicate, through facial expressions, body language, and that our body language speaks to them more than words, also responding to the tone of your voice. We are learning. 
This is of course just a small piece of our experience, in hopes that you may be moved to learn more about Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Association website alz.org is really the source of awareness for this disease, please take the time to check it out. Learn the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's in yourself or someone you know. Become aware, because with early detection, you can: get the maximum benefit from available treatments, have more time to plan for the future; decisions about care, transportation, living options, financial and legal matters. Also on alz.org you will find support for caregivers.

Let your skin feel the difference while making a difference:
We would like to make a donation in your behalf. For the month of November you will receive 10% off ANY Honey Bee Naturals Lavender Honey purchase. We will make a donation in the amount equal to your savings to Alzheimer's Association for the further research to end Alzheimer's while enhancing care for those living with the disease.


Stay Scentsational! Bee Happy!

Written by: GiGi Heard

Personal Note:
If you go to About Us on our website you will learn, many of you already know, that this company started as a hands on project between Sarah, Scentsational Soaps owner/founder, and her son Chad, who has DUP15q. You come to the correct understanding that Sarah is a caring mother and person, as well as patient and kind.
It thus was our father's dying wish that our mother would live with Sarah, her husband, and Chad. Sarah and her equally kind, patient, giving husband, reassured our dad of this before his death. She is taken care of beautifully in their home, it warms my heart. We, her siblings help in anyway we can.
 My sister has a heart of gold! And you receive a portion of that 'gold' in each purchase. She is caring for her son, & now our mother too, with love. And she mixes the fine ingredients, makes each of Scentsational Soaps products with love. Made with Love, as it states on each product.
 I, as writer of this particular blog, would like to thank you, the reader, for your choice of Scentsational Soaps.


  1. Beautifully said GiGi. I sincerely believe our mother is being well cared for. I appreciate the support and love we contribute to Moms care. I love when mommy still says to each of us "I love you more".
    I support this months ALZ month and will wear purple too. I love you mom!
    Sarah I use your products everyday. I love them. Recently I had on my lips sores and used your propolis salve. Within three days it was gone. Also I get compliments about the glow of my face and I use your facial line. Thank you for your special ingredients that help me care for my skin. Thank you!!
    With love. Renee

  2. Now for this moment I'd like to thank jerry n sarah for keeping our dear mother in their home and caring for mom so sweetly. Also thank my sisters for sharing in the responsibilities that go along with assisting sarah n jerry. I love you and thank you.
    We will always use your lavender products!! We feel good using your safe and specially created products.
